

Welcome to the portal for coal linkage e-auction under SHAKTI B(II) Round II Scheme

Bulletin Board

  • Corrigendum 8 to scheme document for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded.
  • Corrigendum 7 to scheme document for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.
  • Corrigendum 6 to scheme document for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal under Notification link.
  • Corrigendum 5 to scheme document for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal.
  • The successful bidders shall have to submit the YoY tariff Discount Stream within 48 Hrs of closing of SPO.
  • IPO event shall be conducted on 21.05.2019 (Tuesday) from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. SPO event shall be conducted on 22.05.2019 (Wednesday), 10.00AM onwards.
  • Notice for timing for commencement of SPO stage for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal.
  • Mock IPO event for SHAKTI B-II R-II is scheduled to be held tomorrow, i.e., 15.05.2019 from 3.00PM to 7.00PM.
  • Corrigendum 4 to scheme document for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal.
  • Corrigendum 3 to scheme document for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal.
  • Model Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal.
  • Revised timeline for the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs has been uploaded.
  • Corrigendum 2 to scheme document pertaining to the second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs has been uploaded.
  • Q&A pertain to second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal under notification Link.
  • Due to time required for modifying MSTC system to accomodate revised CEA norms and other issues, the timelines for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs, including submission of bid security, process fee etc, is being extended. Revised timelines shall be notified shortly.
  • Presentation of 2nd Pre-Bid meeting for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Minutes of meeting of 2nd Pre-Bid meeting for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • CEA approved quantity for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Corrigendum 1 to Scheme Document for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Revised timelines for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • The CEA approved quantity for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs shall be uploaded on the electronic platform shortly. Subsequently, revised timelines shall be provided in due course
  • Notice for 2nd Pre Bid meeting for second round of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Presentation of 1st Pre-Bid meeting for second round of Auction of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal under Pre Bid Presentation Link
  • Revised Timelines for second round of Auction of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Due to unavoidable reasons, the first pre bid meeting for SHAKTI B(ii) second round, which was scheduled on 25.03.2019 at 3.00 PM CIL HQ is now rescheduled on 26.03.2019 3.00 PM at Ground Floor Auditorium CIL HQ Kolkata
  • Amended Notice for the Pre bid meeting for the second round of Auction of coal linkages to IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Notice for the extension of Inviting Registration and Inviting EOI dates for the second round of Auction of coal linkages to IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Notice for the Pre bid meeting for the second round of Auction of coal linkages to IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Scheme Document for the second round of Auction of coal linkages to IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Corrigendum I to Request for Submission of Expression of Interest for the Second Round of Auction of Coal Linkages for IPPs having already Concluded Long Term PPAs dated March 07, 2019 (Request for Submission of EOI) have been uploaded on the portal
  • Notice Inviting Registration for second round of Auction of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Notice Inviting EOI for second round of Auction of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Request for submission of EOI for second round of Auction of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal
  • Tentative Timelines for second round of Auction of auction of coal linkages for IPPs having already concluded long term PPAs have been uploaded on the portal