

Welcome to Portal for Coal Linkage e-Auction for CIL & SCCL

Bulletin Board

  • •• >CIL: Model FSA for T-IV Others (coking) has been uploaded under MODEL FSA link
  • •• >•Coal Linkage auction from Bhubaneswari OCP source has been rescheduled and shall be held on 31.12.2019 at 5:00 PM. Revised schedule has been uploaded under notification link.
  • •• >•CIL: Revised Timeline , Offer and Notice for for rescheduling of Sponge Auction Tranche V has been uploaded.
  • •• >•CIL: Notice for postponement of Tranche-V coal linkage auctions for Sponge Iron Subsector has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.
  • •• >•CIL: Mock e-Auction for T-V SPONGE IRON DRI sub-sector shall be conducted on 17.12.2019 at 11 AM Morning.
  • •CIL: Offer for Sponge Iron Tranche V has been uplaoded under notification link.
  • •CIL: Notice for amendment in Scheme Document for Tranche-V has been uploaded.
  • •CIL: Scheme Document for Tranche-V of Sponge Iron sub-sector has been uploaded.”
  • •CIL: Notice for Pre-auction consumer conference in relation to Sponge lron, Cement, CPP, Others(non-coking) and Others(coking) subsector linkage auction for Tranche-V has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS
  • •CIL: NIA and Tentative Timelines for Tranche-V Sponge Iron Subsector have been uploaded
  • CIL: Notice for Change in Capacity of End Use Plant under Tranche-V for Sponge Iron Subsector has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS
  • •CIL: Model FSA for T-V Steel (coking) has been uploaded under MODEL FSA link
  • •CIL: Mock e-Auction for T-V COKING COAL FOR STEEL sub-sector shall be conducted on 23.10.2019 at 11 Morning
  • •CIL: Revised Offer - Coking Coal for Steel Sub-Sector -T-V dated 18.10.2019 has been uploaded under Notification Link
  • •CIL: Scheme Document - Coking Coal for Steel Sub-Sector -T-V has been uploaded under Scheme Document Link
  • •CIL: Second Pre-bid meeting for T-V Steel (Coking) sub-sector shall be held on 17.10.2019 at 3PM at CIL HQ (notice uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS)
  • •CIL: Notice for postponement of T-V coal linkage auctions for Steel (Coking) sub-sector has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS
  • •CIL: Mock e-Auction for T-V COKING COAL FOR STEEL sub-sector shall be conducted on 15.10.2019 at 12 Noon
  • •CIL: Record note of discussion of pre-auction conference for Steel(coking) under T-V has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.
  • •CIL: Notice for change in capacity of EUP for T-V Steel (coking) sub-sector bidders has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.
  • •CIL: Pre-bid meeting for T-V Steel (Coking) sub-sector shall be held on 25.09.2019 at 3PM at CIL HQ (notice uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS).
  • •CIL: Revised Offer for T-V Steel (coking) sub-sector has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.
  • •CIL: Notice – Commencement of Tranche V (starting with auction for Steel coking subsector) has been hosted on 09.09.2019. for detail view the notification link
  • • CIL: Tentative Timeline for T-V Coking Coal (Steel) sub-sector has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.
  • • CIL: Offer for T-V Steel (coking) sub-sector has been uploaded under NOTIFICATIONS.